Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
Meenakshi Chandrasekaran College of Arts and Science, Pattukkottai
On 15.01.2020, Meenakshi Chandrasekaran College of Arts and Science created an internal quality assurance cell (IQAC) for its major UG and PG programmes as a post-accreditation quality maintenance strategy. Because quality improvement is a continuous activity, the IQAC should be integrated into the institution's structure and strive to achieve the goals of quality enhancement and sustainability. The IQAC must offer a major and meaningful contribution in the post-accreditation period by channelling an institution's activities and measurements toward academic excellence.
Vision of the IQAC:
- To make quality the most important component of higher education through a combination of internal and external quality evaluation, promotion, and long-term activities.
Mission of the IQAC:
- To encourage the academic atmosphere on campus for the development of quality teaching, learning, and research. .
- :To promote self-evaluation, accountability, autonomy, and creativity.
- :To conduct quality-related research investigations, consulting, and training programs.
- :To get connected with and used to the most recent technical breakthroughs in the field of information communication..
Objective of the IQAC:
- To create a quality system for deliberate, consistent, and catalytic planned action to improve the Institute's academic and administrative performance.
- To encourage measures for institutional functioning that improve quality by internalising quality culture and institutionalising best practises.
Functions of the IQAC:
- Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for the Institute's various academic and administrative activities Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation in order to adopt the necessary knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process.
- Organize for student, parent, and other stakeholders to provide input on quality-related institutional procedures.
- Dissemination of information on various quality criteria in higher education; organisation of inter and intra-institutional workshops, seminars on quality-related topics, and promotion of quality circles.
- Documentation of the Institute's numerous programs/activities, leading to quality improvement.
- Acting as the Institute's nodal agency for coordinating quality-related initiatives, such as the adoption and dissemination of best practices.
- Development and maintenance of Institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality.
- Development of Quality Culture in Institute.
- To help the Departments in monitoring following activities:
- Tutorials
- Assignments
- Seminars
- Add on content-Theory & Lab
- Remedial classes
- Make up tests
- Collection of CMF with all required data and documents at the end of the semester.
- Collection of teaching outcome feedback (course assessment) from students at the end of the semester.
- Collection of exit feedback from final year students at the end of the academic year
- To help the Departments/professional bodies in collection and analysis of feedback from:
- Parents
- Industry Experts/Academicians who are visiting the college
- Executives of professional bodies.
- Alumni
- To help the Department in the preparation of various rubrics regarding feedback from students and stakeholders, examination result, Course assessment, placement etc. and based on that to provide various statistical inputs to respective DAC at the beginning of each semester to chalk out the policy for that semester.
- To suggest various value added programs to T&P cell and to coordinate the execution of the same.
- To suggest various ways to the Departments to strengthen their Incubation centres/centre of excellence and to enhance the technical skills of the students.
- To organize the review /audit of all the academic activities by a team of internal experts and present the observation in the meeting of GB/CAC/DAC for further guidelines.
- Collection and compilation of self appraisal forms from faculty members at the end of academic year.
- To consolidate the information about funding agencies, their norms and passing the same to R&D centre and respective Departments.
Administrative Activities
To help the Principal Office in the preparation of schedule of following meetings:- Governing Body (once in a semester).
- College Academic Council (Once in a week/two weeks).
- To help the principal Office (PO) in constituting committees and cells for decentralization of work and effective functioning of the Institute
- To help the P.O. in the preparation of guidelines and schedule of periodic meetings of these Committees.
- To coordinate the activity of budget allocation based on the requirement of the Departments.
- To coordinate the activity of printing of various stationary items based on the requirements of Department and Laboratories.
- To prepare/modify various application/warningrmation formats at least once in a year.
- To prepare the Activity calendar of the Institute based on the individual plans submitted by Departments/various forums.
- To coordinate the flow of warningrmation to the website administrator from various forums/Departments before and after the activities / achievements.
- To coordinate the process of preparation and submission of Activity Record files by various forums after the activity.
- To coordinate the process of audio-visual recording of all the major activities and submission of the CD at the central library.
- To help the P.O. in periodic review of policy book of the Institute.
- To collect all the files/documents from all the Departments / P.O. at the end of the academic year.
- To give periodic inputs to website incharge / administrator regarding updating of warningrmation.
- To discuss innovative concepts and ways of execution with coordinators of various forums.
- To help the P.O.in the preparation of schedule of stock verification of various laboratories/Library at the end of the year.